Managing safety compliance has never been so easy.
Safety management can be a huge headache for any business, irrespective of their size or industry. For most businesses, simply understanding compliance obligations is a time consuming, confusing and daunting exercise. All too often, pushed to the side, and never re-visited until something goes wrong.
There is a simple way.
Designed by our specialist safety consultancy team, Howsafe removes the pain from trying to decipher legislation and understanding your obligations.
Accessed via the internet, Howsafe is simple to use and implement, and a strong feature is that, there are no hidden costs.
Howsafe provides you with the latest business specific WHS information that is instantly available, anywhere, anytime.
The Howsafe system is simple to use, and is live and dynamic, as the system will prompt when actions and implementation activities are due.
Howsafe is easy to implement, reflective of your companies size, industry and tasks, instantly distributed across multiple sites and departments, easily customised, and most of all, secures of all backups of your data and information so you can
WHS Inductions
WHS Inductions for all staff are required under all state’s safety legistion. However, inductions can be time consuming and costly to schedule and often are not completed at the commencement of employment.
The Howsafe Induction module allows workers to carry out an online induction anywhere, anytime on any device and is an efficient and effective method of insuring that all workers are inducted and the inductions recorded.
WHS Implementations
We create a safety talk implementation plan specific to your business and with this plan we email your managers with the monthly requirements and necessary documents to carry out each safety Talk.
Our platform then rounds out the process by making it easy to record when the talks were had, who attended and what was discussed; In a format that is easy to review or audit.
Contractor Engagement
Another vital compnent of your business’ WHS compliance is contractor engagement.
The Contractor Induction module allows you to automatically send emails to existing or new contractors/subcontractors inviting them to a tailored online contractor induction.
This process saves time, is cost effective and ensures that contractors have ticked all the boxes they need to before working with your business.
Free yourself up
Don’t waste time seeking to understand WHS legislation; let us do that for you.
Know what’s going on
You can see at a glance the WHS activities that are completed and outstanding actions required.
Peace of mind
With Howsafe, you’ll have the piece of mind knowing that your business is compliant.
Easy to use
Howsafe is easy to implement and simple to use.